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+ Receive weekly commentary about how to live a more positive, purposeful life, how to use your innate humanity in the best possible way, how to think about looking life right in the eye, no matter what’s going on, and say, “I’ve Got THIS!


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+ Learn to become so self-aware, so self-confident, so values-centered, so calm and powerful, so self-directed and skilled at creating and living a life you love

to wake up to. 


+ Create a life to love by using The Positive.On.Purpose Process™. Learn how to make positivity your belief system and way of life, rather than just a nice idea.




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The POP Inspirational Card Deck! 

A daily dose of positivity for every day of the month. 32 easy to cut and print inspirational quotes to propel you forward onThe Positive Path™ each and every day.

Simply Subscribe above & download your cards today!

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