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Writer's picturePeggy Pepper

Positivity Propellers: Celebrating Rescue Dogs with Hooray for the Underdog!

Who Are Positivity Propellers?

Positivity Propellers are on a mission to make the world a better place.

Positivity Propellers lift our spirits and give us hope.

Positivity Propellers inspire us with their ideas, offering us inspiration to create our own make-the-world-better mission.

Positivity Propellers provide a tangible positive “spark" in a world that can seem relentlessly negative.

Positivity Propellers are intent on doing “the right thing” because it IS the right thing to do, without regard to fame.

Positivity Propellers renew our faith in the goodness of humanity.

We don’t say it often enough, but not only do we need to be grateful to them, we need to bring them and their good works to the forefront.

At Positive On Purpose, I am passionate about sharing their dynamic,

life-lifting stories with you.


When you hear this story of love on a mission, you will be shouting HOORAY!! for Janet Healey and Joe Grisham. They most certainly ARE Positivity Propellers in every way…..enhancing and impacting thousands of lives…..both two-legged and four.

Here, in their own words… Janet and Joe….and


We’re Janet Healey and Joe Grisham. We’ve been making pictures together since 1992. I (Janet) was working as a stylist and Joe as a photographer when we decided we wanted to give back to our community.

Our “great” idea was to use our long-established talents in advertising and our love of animals to make a difference in the way people looked at dogs which were deemed “throwaways”. We wanted to champion the power and spirit of rescued animals everywhere.


So…I got on the phone and called all the local animal shelters and rescue organizations to see if we could help find homes for their “difficult to place” dogs by taking photos of them in a way that might make them irresistible. Just about everybody thought I was trying to sell them something.

But, one small group listened to our idea. As a matter of fact, they were so thrilled, they showed up at the studio that very week with 11 Jack Russell Terriers (one of the most highly abandoned breeds in this country) in crates, on leash, off leash, and with some being carried like babies.

They completely took over the place! Not one dog stayed on set or cooperated in any way. But by the end of the day, we were hooked. In addition to being exhausted, we were elated and in love with every one of them. This became the start of our rooting for the underdog. Soon, it became our greeting card art, which has led to creating a line of journals, stationery, note cards, and holiday cards, which are now distributed throughout the country.

Here’s a behind the scene’s look at how we create our cards.

Discovered by Oprah!
Oprah named Hooray For The Underdog! one of her “Favorite Gifts that Give Back” two years in a row.

Each card carries a front photo of our favorite “characters”. The back of each card also shares their name, profile/rescue story, and special “super powers", all the things we cherish most about them.

Below are a few samples of our individual greeting cards for all kinds of reasons and the seasons ahead: Check out our website for the complete catalog of greeting cards, note card sets, journals, pet tags, and more!

(Psst...if you happen to be a cat person, there are a few of those too!)


Team Strut Your Mutt


Stranded and defenseless like so many other abandoned dogs, this group represents some of the lucky ones who landed in terrific homes.


Caring, loving, giving and grateful. Talented, devoted, patient and loyal. They’ve got an extraordinary capacity to touch our hearts and change our lives in the most amazing ways.


Douglas, Duncan, Pip, Rosko and Phoebe




Enthusiasm. Never met a food they didn’t like.




Last of a litter from a cardboard box in a grocery store parking lot.


Rottweiler wannabe and part time desperado. If you need a fearless guard dog, she's your hombre.


Charlotte Grace


From severe neglect in the hands of a hoarder to an awesome family that caters to her every need.


Stealing your heart and the hearts of everyone she meets. This girl can turn up the adorable volume any time, any place.

Hooray for the Underdog! Highlights

* All of the models in our stationery line are animals nobody wanted, and their talent fees are donated to the groups who saved them. * 5% of profits go directly to local and national animal welfare charities. * Our artwork is regularly donated to local and national welfare groups to help their fundraising efforts and promote their favorite causes. * Every month, we volunteer to photograph homeless animals for Dallas area shelters and rescue organizations to be posted on various websites,, and Facebook. * When you send a Hooray for the Underdog! greeting card, you're supporting our mission to make animal adoption everyone's first choice! * Collaborations with: SPCA of Texas, Operation Kindness, North Shore Animal League, PetSmart Charities, Poodle Rescue of North Texas, Weimaraner Rescue, Animal Rescue of Texas, Metroplex Mutts, Paws In The City, National Brussels Griffon Rescue, Chihuahua Rescue and Transport, Boston Terrier Rescue of North Texas, Greyhound Adoption League of Texas, Southwest Jack Russell Terrier Rescue, Dog and Kitty City, Emma’s Wish Senior Dog Rescue, Great Dane Rescue of North Texas, Buddha And The Bull Rescue, Dallas Pets Alive, SOS Fosters For Pets In Need, Duck Team 6, Hurry Home Active Dog Rescue, SNAP (Spay And Neuter Action Project) SPCA Bradley County, Tennessee, DFW Pug Rescue, Rockwall Pets and Dallas Animal Services


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