How many times have we asked that question? If you are a guy, probably never. If you are a girl, we’ve probably lost count.
This is not, however, about the size of our own personal flotation device, forever attached to the backside of our stomach. And, this is not about a typo in the title either.
It’s all about attitude and beliefs—that really, really big BUT we may be throwing in our own way.
Right now, today, is there something you want so much you could taste it?
You are afraid?
If so, we are in this together. I have a list. Not a someday, bucket list…..a right now, get it done list. And, here’s what I know for sure.
Only my great big BUT gets in the way.
Funny thing about fear. One kind keeps us out of harm’s way just at the moment we need it to kick in. The other creates insidious, perpetual gridlock. We live, motor idling, at the intersection of our lives, seeing red lights on all four corners.
It can become a habit to make our BUT bigger than our heads and our hearts put together.
No matter what, whenever we get a YES, to something or someone, there’s a BUT velcroed to the rest of it.
A friend told me what to do at these times.
It really works.
So, let me share it with you.
Ask yourself this question:
BUT, how will I feel if I don’t _________________?
Then, fill in the blank with that thing you want.
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